Road Safety Around Our Schools

The safety of children around schools is essential to Burwood Council. All schools are invited to partner with us and participate by using the resources available below.

The Traffic Team has developed information for schools to share with their families. Schools can use this information in school newsletters and on their websites or as printed handouts for families.


Illegal parking around schools puts lives at risk. That's why Council and the Police take a 'zero tolerance' approach. Council Rangers, Parking Officers and Police regularly patrol schools across the Burwood Local Government Area.  

Council had developed a partnership driven program that provides schools with information and materials designed to inform parents of the latest road rules, guidelines and parking alternatives, so everyone can keep our kids safe in School Zones.

Working with Councils Road Safety Officer, schools are provided with; 

- Postcards
- Ranger Assistance
- Promotional Downloads
- Road Safety Audits
- Coreflutes

This program is designed to re-inforce that Road Safety is everyone’s responsibility and stop the practice of illegal parking in Schools Zones.

 To participate in Councils school road safety promotions please contact our Road Safety officer


illegal parking puts childrens lives at risk

Your school can request a parking officer to patrol your school.

Click here to view form.

Burwood Council and Burwood Police work together to ensure all school students are safe in our LGA. All NSW gazetted school zones have a speed limit of 40km/h between 8am-9.30am and 2.30pm and 4pm on gazetted school days.

Penalties for breaches, including parking infringements, exceed the cost of standard penalty notices. Children are vulnerable road users, and school zones are much busier during pick up and drop off times.

Burwood Highway Patrol continues school zone enforcement as part of their daily taskings. Penalties are severe and include a loss of demerit points.

For more information on School Zones click here



Some schools and councils use No Parking areas, signed as Drop-off and Pick-up, Kiss and Ride, or Kiss and Drop zones, to provide parents and carers with a safe environment to drop off and collect their children from school by car.

These areas, always on the school side of the road, provide  convenience for drivers and improve children’s safety. Parents and carers are able to legally drop off or pick up their children within a two-minute time frame.

To find out more about how 'Drop-off and Pick-up' zones work 

The School Crossing Supervisor program is a state-wide program that contributes to the safety of infants and primary school students. School crossing supervisors help students use the crossings on roads adjacent to or nearby schools. School crossing supervisors are provided where Transport for NSW guidelines and criteria are met

To apply for a school crossing supervisor for your School click here


National Walk Safely to School Day (WSTSD) is an annual event when all Primary School children will be encouraged to walk and commute safely to school. It is a Community Event seeking to promote Road Safety, Health, Public Transport and the Environment

To participate please visit National Walk Safely to School Day (WSTSD) or contact our RSO for more information


Back to School Safely: Road safety information for schools to share with families and the wider school community. The information was written with input from school community stakeholders and the agencies responsible for road safety around schools.

Centre for Road Safety Education for Early childhood, Primary and High Schools: Supports the delivery of road safety education to students by classroom teachers. It is part of the formal school curriculum and pre-service training for teachers.

Safety Town is a road safety education resource for teachers, students and families. It provides a variety of interactive learning activities for students from Kindergarten to Year 6.