Community and Government Resources and Support Services

Family Support Service 

The aim of support services is to:

  • strengthen the relationship between parents and children
  • increase the use of positive parenting practices
  • improve knowledge about local services
  • expand parents support networks.

This is done by providing advice and supported referrals, advocacy, case management, parenting skills workshops and playgroups. It is helpful to all parents, particularly those who are facing issues such as coping with being new parent/s, isolation, family breakdown, serious illness, financial crisis, domestic violence, drug and alcohol dependence. The following services all provide a level of support to families.


Support for families with children 0-18 years in Ashfield.
Phone: 9798 1400
Anglicare Website


Barnardos Aboriginal Early Years Family Support

For children 0-5yrs and their family.
Phone: 9218 235
Barnardos website

Carer and Parent Support (CAPS)

For children 0-12years and their family. 

Phone: 9716 7032
CAPS website

Catholic Care

Support for families including Parent Education, Counselling, Family Dispute Resolution, Family Recovery and other services throughout the Inner West.  
Phone: 13 18 19
Catholic Care website


Family Referral Service (FRS) (Sydney City)

Works with families and young people to link them to support services in their local community, increasing engagement and reducing vulnerability in homes.
Phone: 1800 066 757
Family Referral Service website

The Infants Home - Child & Family Services

Provides integrated early childhood education and health support services for children and their families. This includes long day care, family day care, supported playgroups, parent education, family support, postnatal services and integrated allied health within educational programs.
Phone: 9799 4844
The Infants Home website

Inner West Play and Chat (KU)

Supported playgroup facilitated by an early childhood educator. Supported playgroups operate in various locations across the inner west.

KU website
Phone: 9692 0559

Kids @ Weldon Summer Hill Family Support

Practical and emotional support and parenting education and peer support groups. Services for families and children from birth to 13 years.

Kids @ Weldon website
Phone: 9797 8676


Metro Assist Inc.

Provides support services to families and communities including migrant settlement services, family support and early intervention. This includes emergency relief, tenancy services, financial counselling and community development. Metro Assist’s service area includes the Bankstown, Burwood, Canada Bay, Rhodes Peninsula, Strathfield, Canterbury, and Inner West local Government area.


Metro Assist website

Prosper (Project Australia)

Provides school programs, playgroups, parenting activities, support groups, material aid for families experiencing financial hardship. 

Phone: 0402 787 571
Prosper website

Volunteer Home Visiting - Benevolent Society

The Volunteer Home Visiting service is an early intervention program, assisting and supporting vulnerable families in homes in Strathfield. 

Phone: 8314 9494
Benevolent Society website

Relationships NSW

Offers a broad range of services to individuals, families and communities throughout the country. Core services are counselling, mediation, and family dispute resolution - as well as associated early intervention and post-separation services.
Phone: 8235 1500
Relationships NSW website


Volunteer Family Connect - Save the Children

Volunteer Family Connect is an early intervention program, assisting and supporting vulnerable families in the Burwood, Ashfield and Canterbury area.
Phone: 0419 235 694
Save the Children website


Intensive Family Support

Support for families experiencing multiple and complex issues, needs and transitions.

Benevolent Society - Child & Family Services

An integrated service model for children and families facing complex issues, including parental neglect, abuse, mental health, drug and alcohol use.
Phone: 83149494

SDN Brighter Futures

Provides case management with families at high risk.
Phone: 97156568


Services For Children With Additional Needs (Disability)

The following services are NDIS approved and are community based not for profit organisations.

EPIK Disability Services

Encourages potential in children and young people with disabilities by providing a range of support services from our site in Croydon and within the community. EPIK Disability Services is NDIS registered.
Phone: 9747 5782

Eurella Community Services

Provides intervention services for children of any age with a disability or developmental delay. Services include early intervention group programs for children from birth to school age and individual sessions in occupational therapy, speech pathology and behaviour support for children of any age. Eurella is a NDIS registered provider.
Phone: 9747 4810


Provides learning opportunities for all families. Works across the inner west and south west of Sydney. Range of early education and intervention services for children with additional learning needs and family support. Preschools are located in Lakemba and Roselands, and supported playgroups are in Canterbury/Bankstown area. Disability specific services are offered including individual therapy, case management support during the diagnosis processes and supported access to other service in the community. A registered NDIS Provider.
Phone: 8321 9600



An early childhood partner for Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI). Supporting children 0-6years who have a developmental delay or disability and their families and carers. Registered NDIS provider of therapy and other support services for children and young people aged 7-24 years living with a disability.
Phone: 1800 953 390

NSW/ACT Inclusion Agency

The Australian Government funded Inclusion Support Program provides support directly to early childhood and childcare (ECCC) services to help build their capacity and capability to provide quality inclusive care environments for children with additional needs.
Phone: 1800 703 382
Metro Sub Hub: 9717 5444

Participate Australia (Croydon)

An NDIS approved provider. Offers support services for people living with intellectual, cognitive and developmental disabilities, as well as their families and carers. We deliver conventional and important respite services to people with a disability. Develops innovative independence programs that assist people with a disability can acquire life skills like financial literacy, cooking, swimming and water safety, road safety, housekeeping skills (to help them move into independent living arrangements), how to engage in and nurture rewarding and safe relationships, create art, and acquire IT skills to engage with family and friends through social networking.

Phone: 9799 4333


Plumtree provides support for young children aged birth to 8 years old with a developmental delay or disability and their families, including tailored support for children and families, education, therapy, information and training in a variety of settings — in the home, at the child’s preschool, child care centre or school, or at the Marrickville centre and in other community settings. A registered NDIS Provider.

Phone: 9572 8840


Services For Children and Families From A Diverse Background (Multicultural)

All services listed are based locally and are not-for-profit community organisations offering free or subsidized services. 

Australian - Korean Welfare Association (AKWA)

Provides access to resources and services such as Settlement and Social Welfare to the non-English speaking Korean community.
Phone:  97189589



Provides assistance to socially and financially disadvantaged people such as case management, emergency financial relief, counselling, advice, referral and advocacy, family support, meals on wheels.

Phone: 97441866

Chinese Australian Service Society (CASS)

Provides a wide range of social and welfare services to people in the general community, especially those of East Asian background, including Chinese, Koreans, Indonesians, Vietnamese, etc. Services include Aged Care, Disability Services, Child Care, Vocation & Training Services, Settlement and Health Services and more.

Phone: 9789 4587

Chinese Migrant Welfare Association (CMWA)

Provides a playgroup and recreational groups for Chinese speaking community.

Phone: 9716 0612


Includes advocacy, counselling, day care, social groups, community settlement services, bilingual school and drug and alcohol services for the Italian speaking community.

Phone: 9564 0744


Ethnic Community Services Cooperative

Provides support for children, people with a disability, older people and disadvantaged groups from CALD backgrounds.

Phone: 9569 1288

Metro Assist Inc.

Provides support services to families and communities including migrant settlement services, family support and early intervention. This includes emergency relief, tenancy services, financial counselling and community development. Metro Assist’s service area includes the Bankstown, Burwood, Canada Bay, Rhodes Peninsula, Strathfield, Canterbury, and Inner West local Government area.

The Family Team provides a number of Early Intervention and Family Support Services (for children 0-18 years) supporting wellbeing and helping to build strong parenting skills and stronger families.

The Community Development Team facilitates activities which promote cohesion, inclusion, wellbeing and empowerment to individuals and families within our communities including the delivery of educational, parenting and information based groups and programs.


  • Ashfield 9798 1700 
  • Campsie 9789 3744 





Language and Literacy provider for newly arrived migrants and refugees.

Phone: 9745 2420


OTEN- Multicultural Education Unit

Provides information, advice, language & cultural support services and specific courses to people from non-English speaking backgrounds (NESB) who wish to study by distance education with OTEN

Phone: 9715 8676 or 1800 637 549 (inside NSW) 

Settlement Services International

Settlement Services International (SSI) provides a range of services in the areas of humanitarian settlement, accommodation, asylum seeker assistance, foster care, employment and disability support in NSW

Phone: 1800 849 010

House to Grow

Offers a broad range of programs to children, young people, women, volunteers and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities throughout NSW.  The focus is on education for life, holistic health and wellbeing service delivery.

Phone: 0414 086 981

web site: House to Grow 


Government Contacts

NSW Department of Communities & Justice

Provides Child protection services, parenting support and early intervention, foster care, adoption services and help for communities affected by disaster.

Child Protection Helpline: 132 111
Domestic Violence Line (24 hours/ 7 days): 1800 65 64 63

Housing NSW

Provide housing solutions for people in need. Works with others to address homelessness in NSW. Manages NSW public housing and aboriginal public housing portfolios.

Phone: 1300 468 746
Burwood Office Phone: 8372 4700


NSW Education - Department of Education & Communities

Responsible for NSW early childhood education and care, public schools, higher education and training.

Phone: 1300 679 332
Student Queries for this district: 8848 4900


Services Australia

Phone: 13 24 68


Provides Australians with access to some health services at low or no cost e.g. seeing a doctor, getting medicine, and accessing mental health services, accessing government entitlements and family support.

Families Phone (Mon - Fri 8am to 8pm): 136 150
Disability Phone (Mon - Fri 8am to 5pm): 132 717
