September 2022
The Department of Fair Trading, which oversees how swimming pool legislation is being implemented, have over the last 6 months highlighted and expanded the requirements for all residential pools in NSW.
Previously, an older pool might have been allowed to be inspected and checked against older sections of legislation.
Now, any pool that is in the Local Government Area (LGA) is required to be assessed under the current relevant legislation, unless there is written evidence and proof that the pool complied with and continued to comply with the previous legislation at all times.
Accordingly, the Swimming Pools Inspection Program (introduced several years ago as required by the Swimming Pools Act) has been amended to achieve those updated requirements.
All pools must now comply with the Australian Standards 1926.1-2012 (and 2018).
The below are just some examples of the requirements.
All the below extracts are copyright to the Australian Standards.
Location of pool barriers in residential properties

NB: No other buildings or items not related directly to the pool operations are permitted inside the pool barrier. For example, cabanas with BBQs, cooking facilities etc. areas inside are considered not related and need to be separated by a delineating pool barrier.

In addition to the above, there are requirements that no item can be built within 500mm of the outside pool barrier or the inside of the boundary barrier.

NB: the 1500mm is measured to the bottom of the lifter latch.

The Council Swimming Pool Inspector will be contacting to advise all residents who have pools on their property to bring the pool barriers up to the required standards.