A digital 3D model (model) is required to be submitted with all developments which are:
- Residential or mixed commercial/residential developments that contain four or more dwellings, and/or exceed two storeys in height.
- Non-residential developments i.e. commercial, institutional, educational that are more than two storeys in height.
The development application accompanying the model will not be placed on exhibition until a suitable model is submitted.
The model will become a component of Council’s Local Government Area (LGA) wide 3D model data set and may be used in Council publications, at Council’s discretion. The model will also be required to be updated to reflect the final design consistent with the application’s determination. The revised model must be received by Council prior to release of a Construction Certificate for the development. This requirement will be included in the Conditions of Consent.
Required Model Elements
The supplied model should include enough detail to determine a development’s compliance with the relevant planning objectives and strategies and give a clear indication of the architectural and urban design intent.
The model must contain the subject building and clearly show all adjoining buildings in block form and those buildings adjacent and opposite the site. Location of windows and balconies of adjacent buildings facing the site are also required to be included in the model.
Roads adjacent and bordering the development are to be included and named in the model to give the development context within the Burwood LGA and a clear indication of the north direction.
The model should be a realistic representation of the exterior of the development showing coloured materials and textures with the subject building being easily differentiated from the surrounding buildings or structures.
All models must show all architectural features of the building such as:
- Protrusions and indents
- Window and door openings and entry points
- Balconies and balustrades
- Awnings and verandahs
- Blade or fin walls
- Sun shading devices
- Roof construction and/or roof features – including roof pitch and all significant features including plant enclosures, service and fire stair protrusions, terraces, flag poles or similar, shade and signage structures
- Where communal or private open space is proposed on the roof or interim floors of a building all proposed roof structures, pergolas, stairs and lift over runs are also to be shown
- Car parking, vehicle access and egress points
- Signage requiring development consent
Other features which must be included are:
- Landscaping features of significance such as large planter boxes, however the indication of non-significant vegetation should be kept to an absolute minimum in order to not obscure the building features
- Proposed trees to be in simple shape form to define the height and diameter of the tree crown and its location
- Interior details are not required
- Site topography should be modelled from an accredited and recent survey based on AHD levels
- The site boundary and transition to adjacent public domain
File Format and Specifications
The model must be supplied in one of the following formats:
The model file is to be submitted in organised and logical layers, e.g. built form, landscape, topography and,
- Must be less than 50Mb
- Units of measure must be in metres and features must be scaled correctly at a scale of 1:1 – no resized or moved components
- The pivot/origin point of the model must be at the centre of the subject building/development
- Drawing elements such as text or dimensions should not be included in the submitted model
- The model should not include references to external files
The model file name should include the development address, date of submission and the term “3D Model” as follows:
Example: “1Burwood Road_Burwood 25102013_3D Model.3ds”