Public Meetings and Burwood Local Planning Panel Meetings

The Burwood Local Planning Panel (BLPP) is a panel of independent experts and community members that determines development applications on behalf of Burwood Council.  The BLPP is also responsible for providing advice on other planning matters including planning proposals.

BLPP meetings are normally scheduled for 6:00pm on the 2nd Tuesday of every month except for January.  They are either held at the Burwood Council Administration Centre or may be convened as a videoconference, in part or in full.

The BLPP is obligated to hold a public meeting only when a development application that it is to determine has attracted 10 or more unique submissions of objection.  As this need arises, a public meeting is scheduled immediately before the Panel meeting at which a determination is due to be made.  (Note that the BLPP conducts its determination meetings without members of the public present.)  Members of the public may arrange to participate in public meetings by videoconference or in person.

Members of the public need to register to participate at public meetings (even if only planning to observe) by completing the online form for this by 2:00pm of the day of the relevant meeting – see Apply to Speak at a BLPP Meeting.  They can also use the online form to make written submissions instead of, or in addition to, their request to speak.  Registrations will be promptly acknowledged for verification purposes.

Minutes of BLPP meetings are published on the Council website shortly after meetings.  Reasons for determinations by the BLPP are included as part of the record of determinations.  When public meetings are conducted, these are audio recorded and published on the Council website with the minutes of the relevant BLPP meeting.

Remember to register online by 2:00pm of the day of the public meeting to attend, even if you are not planning to speak.  Please keep the following in mind if you are planning to speak to the BLPP at a public meeting:

  1. There is a time limit of 3 minutes per speaker
  2. A  short extension of time to speak may be granted by the Chair, especially where it can be demonstrated that a speaker is making a representation on behalf of more than one interested party
  3. If there are many people interested in speaking on the same item of business, the Chair may ask for one speaker ‘for’ and one speaker ‘against’ where matters to be raised in each instance are the same
  4. When framing you position as ‘for’ or ‘against’ something make sure it is in relation to a recommendation being put before the Panel rather than the proposal that gave rise to the Panel report in which the recommendation appears
  5. It is not an additional opportunity to debate a matter or to pose questions to BLPP members or officers of Council
  6. People addressing the BLPP may answer questions put to them by BLPP members as part of clarifying their position or statement
  7. The BLPP may invite critical stakeholders to present information to a meeting of the BLPP on matters of business listed on a Council meeting agenda
  8. You are to be respectful with your remarks and not make personal reflections on or impute improper motives to anyone
  9. You need to be succinct and remain focused on the subject at hand.

By participating in or observing a public meeting of the BLPP you acknowledge that audio and visual capture of proceedings, as well as any written submissions, may form part of records that are retained by Council and are made publicly accessible.



  1. Locate yourself in a quiet and well-lit area with a relatively plain background – this helps to minimise distractions and allow others to view you clearly
  2. Mute your microphone whenever you are not speaking – this helps to minimise background noise and distractions
  3. Consider muting your video temporarily when you need to do something that may be distracting to others or you are interrupted by something distracting
  4. Close non-essential applications on your computer - this will help with optimal flow of the sound and video stream
  5. Remain spatially aware - it is easy to inadvertently slip out of frame or provide an unintended close up that is hard for people to watch
  6. Speak clearly and not too quickly - this is especially important if internet connections are failing to provide high quality sound to some listeners
  7. Use ‘sign-offs’ to make it clear that you have finished saying something e.g. “That’s all”; “I’m done”; “Thank you”
  8. Not using Instant Messaging - it is important to avoid potential distractions and focus on the Chair to help ensure that proceedings flow efficiently and effectively
  9. Get connected early - this will give you confidence in the technology and enhance your ability to express your ideas.