Henley Park Sports Field Upgrade
- Project typeTurf Upgrade
- Project value$910,000
- Project scheduleComplete
The Henley Park Sports Fields No’s 1 & 2 and Mini Fields upgrade works have been completed. This project was originally requested by local sporting organisations that frequently use Henley Park.
The project proved successful in its application for funding from the NSW Government's Stronger Communities Fund. In addition, funding from The Federal Government’s Local Road and Community Infrastructure program (LRCI) has also been secured to assist with the delivery of this project. Council will also supplement this project with its owns funds. The upgrades have improved the overall condition of the Sports Fields for residents, associated teams and all parks users to enjoy.
These works included;
- a new irrigation and subsoil drainage system
- regrading of the existing contours of the playing fields to remove undulations
- laying of new high quality turf over approx. 22,500m2 of the southern area of the park.
Council thanks the community and sporting groups for their patience and understanding during these works.