Enfield Aquatic Centre Upgrade Stage 2
- Project typeNew Indoor Pool and Upgrades
- Project value$5.4m
- Project scheduleCompleted
- Completion Date30 July 2021
Stage 2 and 3 of the project has been completed.
Stage 4 will be coming soon.
- Stage 2 New programs pool
- Stage 3 Expanded and redesigned rear car park
- Stage 4 New foyer, undercover walk way, mezzanine administration level, toilets/change rooms, group rooms for health/wellbeing activities and café
The Development Application was lodged for the staged works and approved by the Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel (SECPP) in December 2019.

EAC Master Plan Development
The Need
The Burwood Local Government Area is experiencing substantial growth and change which will continue into the future. The growth in high density living will results in increased demand for limited community facilities in an already highly populated area, resulting in greater needs for additional facilities and public spaces.
Council is committed to meeting the challenge of providing high quality services and facilities to meet community needs. This requires a significant investment in the EAC, already a much-loved and extensively used community facility.
Community Benefits
EAC Stage 2 will provide a new pool dedicated to teaching children and adults to learn to swim that will generate increased revenue to offset the costs of running the EAC and free up much needed space in the exiting 25 metre pool.
EAC Master Plan Stage 2 Project - New Programs Pool
The construction of the new pool will use the latest in pool design and technology to provide an aesthetically pleasing environment with highly efficient operations. This includes a new pool hall enclosure with a warm water program pool, new amenities, concourse floor heating system and latest disinfection system.
This new pool has significantly increased the capacity of the EAC to deliver community-based swimming well-being programs and Council's ability to meet the aquatic needs of the growing community. There is increased capacity for recreational swimming, learn to swim classes, an expanded squad program and other essential community aquatic programs. Importantly, the new pool alleviated overcrowding in the existing indoor 25 metre pool, especially in the cooler months when the outdoor 50 metre pool is closed.
By creating additional program space, Burwood Council has enhanced essential swimming skills and swimming training facilities for the diverse and growing population in our area. Council has also facilitated the growth of local clubs who use the facility, including the Enfield Lifesaving Club and Enfield Swim Club.
Project Program & Delivery
Major Project Milestones
Finish Date |
Site Mobilisation
October 2020
Project Completion of Stage 2
December 2021
This project represents a significant upgrade of facilities at our loved and heavily used EAC. The pool significantly increased the capacity of Enfield Aquatic Centre, incorporating new efficient innovative technology and design that meets the growing needs of the community while supporting a range of aquatic programs for all ages and learn to swim programs all year round.

8 Portland St, Enfield 2136 View Map
8 Portland St ,
Enfield 2136
8 Portland St ,
Enfield 2136
Enfield Aquatic Centre Upgrade Stage 2