Burwood Municipality continued to develop and gain importance as a local commercial centre and shopping destination over the following years. In 1949 the East and Central Wards of the former Enfield Council were incorporated into Burwood. The approaching centenary became an opportunity for the extended local community to come together and celebrate.
In the early 1970s Burwood Council formed the Centenary Committee to mark the 100th anniversary in style comparable to the Jubilee events. One of its initial decisions was to commission a comprehensive history of Burwood. “Harvest of the Years: the Story of Burwood 1794-1974” by Eric Dunlop was published as a result. The Committee also reached out to the local organisations and institutions to involve a wide range of charitable groups, schools, churches, clubs, businesses and individuals to develop a versatile programme of interesting and inclusive activities. Almost a half yearlong carnival of events was formulated.
The festivities of Centenary Year commenced with the Burwood Swimming Carnival on 25 January. Competitions and displays by the national and state swimming and diving champions, complemented by a water ballet troupe performance, were the biggest ever attractions staged at Enfield Olympic Pool. The Lt. Col. R. CH Christian Centenary Garden Competition identified winners in several categories and was an amazing festival of the local green spaces.
27 March, the day of the 100th Anniversary of incorporation, was marked by reading of proclamation in Burwood Park in the presence of the students from the local schools followed by the distribution of the centenary medals to all participants.
On the weekend, a vintage train journey from Sydney terminal to Burwood, delivered hundreds of people to join the already gathered crowds to admire the Grand Procession. It started in Conder, turned into Livingstone Street and then went along Burwood Road to Burwood Park. A community fair continued afterwards. It was enjoyed by thousands of people assembled in the park. Centenary Dinner was held at the Santa Sabina School hall on 08 April. During the Easter period and on ANZAC Day special centenary services were held by various churches and organisations.
On 24 of July the re-enactment of the first council meeting was held at the Council Chambers. Luncheon for the veterans of the Burwood Municipality, Grand Fireworks in Henley Park (cancelled due to cold weather), and Centenary Ball in period costumes at the Santa Sabina School hall were some of the highlights of the extensive programme of events put together for the enjoyment of the Burwood residents in commemoration of this special occasion.