Shopfront Improvement Program 2024

Published on 17 September 2024

Roy Wu, Shopfront Improvement Grant Recipient

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Roy Wu, Bengong's Tea and Bakery, 144 Burwood Road

"My shopfront is one of the most important things for my business. If it doesn't stand out, customers do not want to walk in. It is marketing in itself. Moving the air conditioning unit from our street frontage was a not a small cost, and Burwood Council contributing to that cost makes a big impact for a small business."

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Wei Huang, Shopfront Improvement Grant Recipient

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Wei Huang, By George Café, 117 Georges River Road

"Our shopfront is very important. It represents the image of the area, as well as the brand image of the business."

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Happy Cap Studio, Exemplary Shopfront

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James Sonter, Happy Cap Studio

Shop 1, 127-133 Burwood Road
"The benefit of investing in our shopfront is that we have been able to attract foot traffic from as far away as possible by creating something that pops out to our potential audience."

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What is the Shopfront Improvement Program?

Burwood Council provides funding to local businesses who want to improve the appearance of their shopfront.

The Shopfront Improvement Program seeks to:

  • Support local businesses by providing additional resources and support needed to enhance shopfronts.
  • Stimulate local economic activity by attracting more visitors and customers to local businesses by enhancing the visual appeal of shopping areas.
  • Promote community engagement and activation by encouraging community pride, showcasing innovative and creative approaches to shopfront design and supporting the development of unique shopfronts that reflect the character and culture of the local area.
  • Enhance public spaces by creating a more vibrant and welcoming streetscape and improving the visual appeal and attractiveness of shopfronts across the local area.

Applicants can apply for eligible projects and funding will be based on project merit and impact. Funding for approved projects is paid directly to the applicant upon completion of the approved works.  

Who can apply?

Business owners and/or tenants (with owner’s consent) of each property that fronts a roadway within the Burwood Town Centre or other local centres within the Burwood Local Government Area are eligible for funding. 

What types of projects can be funded?

The types of projects that will be considered for funding under the Program include:

  • Façade improvements (e.g. external painting, the reinstatement of heritage features, the relocation of air conditioning units away from the street and graffiti removal).
  • New or improved signage, which is consistent with the Burwood Development Control Plan and in keeping with the character of the building or place.
  • Exterior improvements that contribute to a building’s character and promote a coordinated look along the street.
  • Improvements to awnings and structures that increase pedestrian and shopfront safety.

What types of projects will not be funded?

Council will not fund the following:

  • Works already commenced or completed at the time of application.
  • Works that require consent under a Development Application and where that consent has not yet been approved by Council or other Consent Authority.
  • Routine maintenance or interior work (e.g. carpet cleaning, cleaning of gutters).
  • Any work that would not improve the appearance, detail, fabric or finish of the premises.
  • Any work that is not in keeping with the general intent of Council’s development controls, plans or policies.
  • Any work that would preclude more worthy applications from being funded.   

How do I apply?

Local businesses wishing to apply for funding must complete the required application form, including all supporting documentation. Applicants may be required to obtain additional approvals or meet additional requirements depending on the nature of the works proposed. 

Further information about program requirements is available in the Policy link below

Shopfront Improvement Program Policy 2021-2024(PDF, 528KB)

Prior to applying for funding, applicants are also encouraged to view Council’s Shopfront Improvement Guide by clicking the below link for further guidance. 

Burwood Shopfront Improvement Guide(PDF, 4MB)

Applications are now open and will be assessed on a rolling basis until all funds have been allocated.

Apply now

For further information, please contact Executive Assistant, Community Life on 9911 9918 or email If you need an Interpreter, please call TIS on 13 14 50 and ask them to call 9911 9918.