Entry is free but only available to residents or business situated in the Burwood Local Government Area.
Only a completed form together with acceptance of competition terms and conditions will be considered as a legitimate entry. The form is available on Burwood Council Website.
Judging and photographing will occur from Monday 7 December to Monday 14 December from 8.30pm to 11.00pm. Entrants must ensure to have their display ready to be judged.
Judging of an entrant will only apply to exterior displays, and will be assessed from the front of the property.
Judging is conducted through points awarded for appeal, originality, variety and overall presentation. The judges’ decision shall be final and no further correspondence shall be considered.
Entrants agree to have their names and street disclosed to media and marketing channels for marketing, judging and publicity purposes.
Entrants agree to have their property photographed for judging and publicity purposes.
Entrants accept responsibility for the safety of their property with issues pertaining but not limited to: electricity, pedestrians, equipment, decorations, damage and insurance.
Entrants must consider the impact of their display in relation to safety and security of their property, vehicular and pedestrian traffic and must plan to ensure that any risks are minimised. The security of all aspects of the display is the sole responsibility of the entrant.
The misuse of electricity can cause injury or death. Entrants must not use any indoor lighting products outdoors and must comply with the safety instructions on all electrical products used. Electrical safety is paramount and must be exercised at all times. Misuse of electricity could lead to your disqualification from the competition.
Burwood Council and sponsors of this competition will accept no liability for any consequences such as damage, injury or theft arising out of entry to the competition or prizes accepted by entrants.
Charity collection boxes are prohibited unless a letter of authority from a registered charity is obtained and prominently displayed. Collections for personal gain of the entrant are strictly prohibited and will lead to disqualification from the competition.
Entrants are not to use the footpath, electrical poles or any property outside their boundary for any purpose of their display. Rental properties should seek written permission from their landlords before considering their display.
Failure to comply with the Terms and Conditions of Entry may lead to cancellation of entry and withdrawal of prizes.
The personal information supplied on the entry form is collected by Burwood Council for the purpose of processing entry to the Christmas Lights Competition and will be stored securely on Council’s Electronic Management System. At any time you have the right to access, view or correct the personal information you have provided.
Please also note that information supplied as part of this competition may be the subject of a request to access information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 [GIPAA].