Mayor and Councillors
Burwood Council is governed by seven councillors and is led by a Mayor who is popularly elected by the community. A Deputy Mayor is elected by fellow councillors from among their number.
Councillors are collectively responsible for providing effective civic leadership that is focused on agreed strategic directions. These directions are expressed through Community Strategic Plans plus supporting plans and strategies developed by Council in response to community needs and priorities. Council also takes account of regional planning imperatives established by the NSW Government as well as relevant national priorities affecting local government.
The collective responsibilities of councillors also extend to:
- directing and controlling the affairs of Council
- operating in a financially sustainable manner
- acting in accordance with integrated planning and reporting principles
- keeping the overall performance of the Council under review
- making decisions necessary for proper exercise of regulatory functions
- consulting regularly with community organisations and other key stakeholders
- ensuring that Council acts honestly, efficiently and appropriately.
Individually, each councillor is obliged to:
- be an active and contributing member of the governing body
- make considered and well informed decisions
- participate in the development of the integrated planning and reporting framework
- represent the collective interests of residents, ratepayers and the local community
- facilitate communication between the local community and the governing body
- uphold and represent accurately the policies and decisions of the governing body
- acquire and maintain the skills necessary to perform effectively as a councillor
- be accountable to the local community for the performance of the council.
People who work for Burwood Council are responsible for the design and delivery of facilities and services in line with resolutions of Council. The elected Council consults with the general manager in directing and controlling the affairs of the Council.
Details of the Mayor and Councillors for the 2024 to 2028 term of Council are outlined below. Contact details for newly elected Councillors who were first declared elected on 1 October 2024 will be provided in due course.
Councillor Representation on Committees
Council sponsors and / or provides representation to various types of bodies that may have an important bearing on the way Council may exercise its functions. They fall within three main categories – community based advisory committees, technical and management advisory committees and independent industry bodies.
Community Based Advisory Committees
Community based advisory committees sponsored by Burwood Council typically consist of a combination of interested representatives from the community, elected members of Council and expert staff. It is customary for a councillor to serve as the Chairperson of each such Committee. These committees provide recommendations to Council on matters of interest that fall within the subject scope of the relevant committee.
The committees have no delegated authority or independent decision making powers and are not permitted to act autonomously. They are obliged to forward any recommendations to elected Council on proposed action and must gain approval before engaging in any action not already approved.
Burwood Anzac Commemorative Service Committee
- Chairperson: Mayor John Faker
- Delegate(s):N/A
- Alternate(s): Cr Alex Yang
Burwood Sustainability and Environment Advisory Committee
- Chairperson: Mayor John Faker
- Delegate(s): Deputy Mayor George Mannah
- Alternate(s): Cr Sukirti Bhatta
Multicultural Advisory Committee
- Chairperson: Cr Pascale Esber
- Delegate(s): Cr Sukirti Bhatta
- Alternate(s): Cr Alex Yang
National Servicemen’s Association Committee
- Chairperson: Mayor John Faker
- Delegate(s): Cr Pascale Esber
- Alternate(s): Cr Alex Yang
Sandakan Community Educational Committee
- Chairperson: Mayor John Faker
- Delegate(s): N/A
- Alternate(s): Cr Alex Yang
Technical Advisory Committees
These committees may consist of various combinations of Councillors, staff and external experts who provide advice to Council on matters requiring technical expertise.
The Burwood Council ARIC (Audit Risk and Improvement Committee) provides independent assurance and assistance to Council in the effective discharge of its responsibilities for financial reporting, risk management, internal controls and governance as well as internal and external audit. It is subject to requirements under the NSW Local Government Act 1993.
The Burwood Local Traffic Committee deals with roads and traffic management responsibilities delegated to Council by the NSW Government under road transport legislation.
The General Manager’s Contract Review Panel is charged with responsibility for oversight of performance of the General Manager and contractual arrangements governing this.
These technical and management advisory committees cannot act autonomously and must forward any recommendations for action to elected Council for endorsement before action can proceed. Please note: in the case of the Burwood Local Traffic Committee, any variations by elected Council to recommendations put to it by the Committee are subject to review by NSW Police and Transport for NSW before relevant action may commence.
Burwood Council Audit Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC)
- Chairperson: N/A
- Delegate (Non-voting member): Cr Deyi Wu
- Alternate: N/A
Burwood Local Traffic Committee
- Chairperson: Mayor John Faker (Deputy Mayor to be in the Chair in the absence of Mayor)
- Delegate(s): N/A
- Alternate(s): Deputy Mayor George Mannah
General Manager’s Contract Review Panel
- Chairperson: Mayor John Faker
- Delegate(s): Cr Pascale Esber, Deputy Mayor George Mannah
- Alternate(s): Cr David Hull
Independent Industry Bodies
These are entities that are independent of Council but which provide for ongoing Council representation as per their terms of reference.
Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel
- Chairperson: N/A
- Delegate(s): Mayor John Faker, Deputy Mayor George Mannah
- Alternate(s): Cr Pascale Esber, Cr Alex Yang
Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (SSROC) - Full Committee
- Chairperson: N/A
- Delegate(s): Mayor John Faker, Deputy Mayor George Mannah
- Alternate(s): Cr Pascale Esber, Cr Alex Yang
SSROC - Economic Committee
- Chairperson: Mayor John Faker
- Delegate(s): Cr Alex Yang
- Alternate(s): Cr Sukirti Bhatta
Councillors' Disclosure of Interest Returns
Councillors are required under the Burwood Council Code of Conduct to lodge disclosure of interest returns at least once a year. Annual disclosures are due by 30 September each year.
First-time disclosures of interests will be submitted by newly elected councillors and included on this page by March 2022.
Disclosure of Interest Returns 2023-2024
Disclosure of Interest Returns 2022-2023
Disclosure of Interest Returns 2021-22
First time returns for newly elected councillors
Councillor Ned Cutcher(PDF, 9MB)
Councillor Pascale Esber(PDF, 283KB)
Councillor David Hull(PDF, 2MB)
Councillor Hugo Robinson(PDF, 1014KB)
Annual Returns for newly elected councillors
Mayor John Faker(PDF, 7MB)
Councillor Heather Crichton(PDF, 8MB)
Councillor Ned Cutcher(PDF, 3MB)
Councillor Pascale Esber(PDF, 2MB)
Councillor David Hull(PDF, 989KB)
Councillor George Mannah(PDF, 318KB)
Councillor Hugo Robinson(PDF, 3MB)
Disclosure of Interest Returns 2020-21
Disclosure of Interest Returns 2019-20