Graffiti Management Reporting graffiti to Council allows us to remove graffiti quickly and helps us to identify perpetrators.
Illegal Dumping and Unattended Trolleys Dumping rubbish is illegal, report it online or contact Council on 9911 9911.
Public Health Council is dedicated to ensuring a clean, safe, healthy and enjoyable environment for our residents, businesses and visitors.
Scores on Doors To help you choose where to eat out or shop for food, Burwood Council is participating in the NSW Scores on Doors program.
Road Safety Burwood's Road safety programs for child restraints, learner drivers, schools, speed reduction and pedestrians.
Stormwater run-off on private property Find out information about stormwater run-off matters on private property.
Street Lights Are your Street Lights Out? Street lighting is a vital service that helps keep the community safe and secure. Ausgrid owns and maintains all streetlights in the Burwood area.
Before You Dig Australia If you damage underground pipes or cable networks you may be held financially responsible.