Seniors Computer Club
Join our Burwood Seniors Computer Club, where you can learn new skills to help you get connected and take the first step to becoming proficient.
The sessions are designed to make it easy for you to safely and confidently get connected and learn at your own pace.
We welcome everyone interested in computers no experience
Learn skills in:
- Emailing, photo management, making movies from your pictures and DVDs, internet, email, skype, eBay and Facebook and MS Office Word and how to create a Blog or a website
- Computers, Smartphones and iPads and Android tablets
Meet new people with the similar interests and make new friends
8 week program (during school terms)
Wednesdays Sessions: 9.30am to 10.30am & 11.00am to 12.00pm
Annual Membership: $25 and Tuition fee: $30 a term
For more information click here.
To find out more contact Renato Piccini on 0434 109 093 or Joe Jacob on 0403 430 156, or email on or contact Burwood Council on 9911 9855 or for assistance.