Burwood Walking Group 2025
Next date: Friday, 12 December 2025 | 08:30 AM
to 09:30 AM
Looking for local walking group in the Burwood LGA?
Make new friends and look after your health.
The Burwood Walkers meet at Henley Park in Enfield on the grassed area on the northern side of the amenities block (near the play equipment) in Portland Street & they walk around the park (weather permitting).
No experience is required and you can be any fitness level to start.
Day: Fridays
Time: 8.30am to 9.30am
Where: Henley Park, Portland Street, Enfield (opposite King Street)
Registration is essential.
For more information, contact the Burwood Walking Group on burwoodhfw@yahoo.com.au
To register - contact Heart Foundation Walking Group
Friday, 12 December 2025 | 08:30 AM
- 09:30 AM
Henley Park, Portland Street, Enfield, 2134, View Map
Portland Street ,
Enfield 2134
Henley Park
Portland Street ,
Enfield 2134
Burwood Walking Group 2025