Families in Conflict

These services are for individuals or families experiencing interpersonal problems or conflict. They offer a range of support including relationship counselling, domestic violence support, emergency housing, legal aid and more.

Relationship Counselling and/or Mediation 

Community Action for Better Living (CABL)

Provides a wide range of support service for families including:

  • Burwood Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Services: This service primarily provides assistances to women and their children who are victims of domestic violence attending Burwood Local Court for Apprehended Violence Orders (AVOs).
  • Family Support Services: Provide a range of support to families with dependent children who are having trouble managing as a result of internal or external stresses of life. They are preventative services with a focus on supporting families, strengthening and building on family members’ existing skills. The focus is on encouraging and developing positive relationships within families and promoting environments which value, nurture and protect children.

Phone: 9744 1866

Relationships NSW

Relationships NSW offers a broad range of services to individuals, families and communities throughout the country. Core services are counselling, mediation, and family dispute resolution - as well as associated early intervention and post-separation services. The closest Family Relationship Centres are located in Sydney City and Parramatta.

Phone: 8235 1500

Metro Assist Inc. - Psychological Support Service

A free service for children, adolescents and their parents living in the Inner West. Psychologists specialise in working with people and communities from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. We can help with adolescent support, anger management, anxiety, child development, depression, domestic & family violence, family & couples therapy, grief & bereavement, parent’s support, relationship issues, stress, trauma.

Phone: 9789 3744


DV Specific Services or Programs 

Burwood Police Area Command

For emergencies or life threatening situations
Phone: 000

For non-emergencies (Police Assistance Line)
Phone: 131 444

Burwood Police Station 
Phone: 9745 8499

Ashfield Police Station 
Phone: 9797 4099


Domestic Violence Line

This is a 24-hour national sexual assault, family and domestic violence counselling line for any Australian who has experienced, or is at risk of, family and domestic violence and/or sexual assault.

Help lines Quick Links Support Services If you are in immediate danger, call 000 for Police and Ambulance help if you are in immediate danger.

Phone: 1800 65 64 63
(24 hours/ 7 days)

Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Services (WDVCAS)

The Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service (WDVCAS) provide women and their children with information, advocacy and safety planning where appropriate. We provide referrals to services including housing, counselling, legal, financial assistance or health services.

Phone: 1800 938 227


Women and Girls Emergency Centre (WAGEC)

Provides a range of early intervention accommodation and support services to women, children and young people, and families who are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness and / or domestic and family violence.

Phone: 9319 4088



Helplines, Websites and Apps 

1800 Respect

1800RESPECT is the national domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support service.

Call 1800 737 732 or reach out via the online chat on this website.




Ask Izzy is a website that connects people in need with housing, a meal, money help, family violence support, counselling and much more.

Ask Izzy


Family Violence Law

At Family Violence Law Help you can learn about domestic and family violence and the law in Australia.


Family Relationship Advice Line (free)

Information for all families – whether together or separated – about family relationship issues. Find out about a range of services to assist families manage relationship issues, including helping families agree on arrangements for children after parents separate.

Phone: 1800 050 321


Kids Helpline (Free)

Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free (even from a mobile), confidential 24/7 online and phone counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.

Phone: 1800 007 007

Mens Line Australia

With MensLine Australia’s online counselling, you can access free professional support, no matter where you are in Australia.

Phone: 1300 789 978


Mens Referral Service – No to Violence

Free counselling, information and referral to help men to stop using violence and abuse against family members.

Phone: 1300 766 497


Families who are Homeless or at Risk of Homelessness 

Aboriginal Women and Children's Crisis Service

Crisis accommodation for indigenous women and their children who are escaping domestic violence, or are homeless as a result. It provides eight week shared accommodation. Assistance is available with community services and housing. Available to mothers and children, including boys up to 18 years of age.

Phone: 9558 1702

Anglicare - Housing Program

To assist families in transition – particularly refugees and those fleeing domestic violence

Phone: 9798 1400




Innari Housing Inc.

Innari is an Aboriginal focused service providing mentoring for homeless or at-risk clients, as well as culturally appropriate advice / support / training to the sector.

Phone: 9518 3133

Innari website

Sydney Homelessness Early Intervention Service

The Sydney Homelessness Early Intervention Service (SHEIS) supports vulnerable people to sustain their housing tenure through case management and early intervention support.

Phone: 1800 272 877

Women and Girls Emergency Centre (WAGEC)

Provides a range of early intervention accommodation and support services to women, children and young people, and families who are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness and / or domestic and family violence.

Phone: 9319 4088



Legal Aid 

Law Access NSW

Is a free government telephone service that provides legal assistance for people who have a legal problem in NSW. They can provide you with information about your legal problem and contact details for services that might be able to assist you.

Phone: 1300 888 529

Legal Aid NSW

Provide free face-to-face advice on most legal issues and have factsheets and resources to help with problems. Also can provide lawyers to assist at many courts and tribunals across NSW.

Burwood Office of Legal Aid 
Phone: 9747 6155

Legal aid has a number of specialist services that provide help over the phone. 
Youth Hotline: 1800 10 18 10
Child Support Service (Sydney): 02 9633 9916
Child Support Service (Regional): 1800 451 784
Mental Health Advocacy Service: 02 9747 6155
Veteran's Advocacy Service: 02 9219 5148
Prisoners Legal Service: 02 8688 3888
