Burwood Council is proud to be a child safe organisation and shares the understanding that children’s safety is a universal responsibility.
In 2022, Council was pleased to adopt a Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy(PDF, 531KB) demonstrating Council’s commitment to being a child safe organisation and upholding the 10 Child Safe Standards.
The Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy demonstrates Council’s commitment to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people in the Burwood Local Government Area. The Policy reflects a culture of shared responsibility for child safety and will help to ensure that every person who works for or with Council is aware of their responsibilities for promoting and upholding child safety.
Click the images below to download the Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy and the 10 Child Safe Standards Poster.
(PDF, 243KB)
(PDF, 531KB)
For more information about Council’s Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy please contact Council’s Manager Community and Culture on 9911 9911
Launching the Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy

To launch the Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy(PDF, 531KB) and highlight Council's ongoing support for children and families, the Mobile Playvan received a very special makeover with a new artwork and logo designed by Inner West artist Pilar Basa!
Inspired by animals found across our local parks, the quirky characters were developed with our Playvan families and selected via a community driven voting competition.
To learn more about the Mobile Playvan please visit the Playgroup in the Park page.

Helpful Links
For further information about child safety, refer to the following links: