Burwood Park Mural
Burwood Park Mural
Artist: Sharon Billinge
As the first project for PRUAIP, Burwood Council commissioned Inner West Artist Sharon Billinge to create a mural on an existing retaining wall inside Burwood Park. Inspired by the Burwood Park Nature play, Sensory Garden and Pond Upgrades planned for Burwood Park, the artwork features portraits of two local sisters surrounded by natural imagery.

This project was funded through the Parramatta Rd Urban Amenity Improvement Program (PRUAIP) from the NSW Government. PRUAIP is a $198 million initiative to improve open space and active transport links along the Parramatta Road corridor. Burwood Council is one of six Councils including Strathfield, Inner West, Canada Bay, Parramatta and Cumberland delivering a total of 32 projects in and around Parramatta Road. This is part of the government’s commitment to revitalising precincts between the Inner west and Parramatta.
For more information on the Parramatta Road Urban Amenity Improvement Program click here.
As a part of this program Burwood Council has delivered a series of cycle paths which link key recreational sites from Canada Bay to Burwood through Parramatta Road. These cycle paths will also improve connection between Burwood’s local parks and facilities.
Public art also has a key role to play in supporting the growth of The Corridor and establishing a sense of place for the community. Through PRUAIP and with the support of Create NSW, Burwood Council has received funding for a series of six public art commissions. The program of works is guided by the PRUAIP Public Art Framework developed by Create NSW and the Burwood Council Public Art Policy.

Proudly Funded by the NSW Government