Adult Fitness Squad

Enfield Aquatic Centre has introduced Adult Fitness Squads into our already established term schedule.

This term swimming program will be catered towards Adults who are already capable swimmers. The Program will follow a structured term schedule that will aim to develop cardiovascular fitness and technique to improve swim efficiency for committed Adults. Adults can join for the term to grow their fitness and technique across all swimming disciplines.


Monday Evenings:  6:30PM - 7:30PM
Wednesday Evenings:6:30PM - 7:30PM

Assessment Criteria

Must be able to swim 500 m - 1km straight 

1. Demonstrated - correct freestyle technique over 100 metres

2. Demonstrated - correct backstroke technique over 100 metres

3. Demonstrated - correct breaststroke technique over 100 metres

4. Optional - demonstrated correct butterfly technique over 50 metres

5. Optional - demonstrated correct tumble turns, touch turns and finishes  

What to Expect?

The class will run for one hour with a full term booking required to secure a guaranteed spot week to week. Drop in bookings will be accepted however are not advised as spots are limited and consistency is key for greater improvements. Please click on on the link below to be redirected to our Enrolments Newsletter to Find out more.

Click to Find out more on How to Enrol Today!

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FAQ'S regarding the NEW Adult Fitness Squad