Enfield Aquatic Centre has introduced Adult Fitness Squads into our already established term schedule.
This term swimming program will be catered towards Adults who are already capable swimmers. The Program will follow a structured term schedule that will aim to develop cardiovascular fitness and technique to improve swim efficiency for committed Adults. Adults can join for the term to grow their fitness and technique across all swimming disciplines.
Monday Evenings: 6:30PM - 7:30PM
Wednesday Evenings:6:30PM - 7:30PM
Assessment Criteria
Must be able to swim 500 m - 1km straight
1. Demonstrated - correct freestyle technique over 100 metres
2. Demonstrated - correct backstroke technique over 100 metres
3. Demonstrated - correct breaststroke technique over 100 metres
4. Optional - demonstrated correct butterfly technique over 50 metres
5. Optional - demonstrated correct tumble turns, touch turns and finishes
What to Expect?
The class will run for one hour with a full term booking required to secure a guaranteed spot week to week. Drop in bookings will be accepted however are not advised as spots are limited and consistency is key for greater improvements. Please click on on the link below to be redirected to our Enrolments Newsletter to Find out more.
Click to Find out more on How to Enrol Today!

FAQ'S regarding the NEW Adult Fitness Squad
Who is Eligible?
If you are a New student or are looking at continuing your swimming journey, you will require an assessment before entering this class to ensure you met the required swimming criteria.
Students who have previously swam with confidence in all strokes up to 25 meters are welcome to book an assessment via the Link below.
Click here to Book an Assessment Today!
What do I need to bring?
It is recommended participants bring their own Cap, Goggles and Flippers.
Other necessary equipment like boards, pull buoys and other swimming aids will be provided during the session.
What if I do not want to book for the full Term?
At Enfield Aquatic Centre we believe consistency is key to improving your fitness and skill. However, due to understanding people's change commitments we do allow participants to book as they go.
Please note that bookings are not guaranteed week to week and positions are limited.
What if I cannot attend due to illness and I have booked in advance?
All bookings are subject to the terms and conditions laid out in our enrolment form and located on our website.
All Squads programs fall under our Learn to Swim term and conditions and are therefore subject to our Credit and Refunds Policy.
We encourage all prospective clients to please seek and read all Terms and Conditions before signing onto a Program at Enfield Aquatic Centre.
Click here to Read our Programs Terms and Conditions
What is the age limit for Participants?
Currently the minimum age limit for participants in Adult Fitness Squad is 16 years of age. There is no maximum age limit for participants however we do encourage all participants to assess whether this class is right for them and their needs prior to enrolling.
Will the Program run at other times during the week?
Enfield Aquatic Centre is always aiming to extend our timetables across all programs. As this program is only being introduced for the first time in Term 2, 2024 we are currently only trialing the above schedule. If you would like to participate in the program but cannot attend the current times please place a Waitlist request with our customer service department to acknowledge your interest. These requests are used by the programs team to track interest in the program and to extend it on desired days and times.
Is the Program run Indoors or Outdoors?
At Enfield Aquatic our Squads Programs run in the Outdoor 50 meter pool if the weather permits during the summer season. In winter, Squads are moved to the Indoor 25 meter pool that is heated to between 29-30 degrees.
Can I book for the full year in advance?
Unfortunately like the School terms these programs are bookable only for the 10-11 week program. Participants are required to rebook themselves each term during enrolment periods.
Can my child also attend the lessons with me?
If your child is 16 years and older and meets the swimming requirements set out in the criteria they are more then welcome to attend the class with you. The class is not catered towards children under this age and therefore are not permitted to join.
Can I leave my child unsupervised while I am in my class?
Children in the Centre must always have a responsible Parent or Guardian who is actively supervising them, regardless of whether the student is in a class of their own or recreation spaces. This means that if you book for an Adult Fitness Squads Program and you are the only supervising Adult you cannot have children swimming in lessons or anywhere else at the same time. Please be aware that all children in the facility require constant supervision as outlined in the national Royal Life Saving Keep Watch Policy. In some cases you may be asked to vacate your class if children are unsupervised during your lesson.