Burwood Library Strategic Plan


The Library Strategic Plan 2022 – 2027 outlines how Council will deliver its Burwood Library and Community Hub services over the next 5 years in order to meet the changing needs and expectations of Burwood’s growing and diverse community. The Library and Community Hub provides access to formal and informal lifelong learning opportunities, facilities and services, celebrating our diverse community, history and culture and providing opportunities for social connection in an accessible, people friendly space. Council also aspires to grow its support for local business through the Plan.

The Library Strategic Plan 2022 – 2027 sets out the mission, vision and values for the Burwood Library and Community Hub and 5 strategic areas of focus including:

  • Customer experience;
  • Learning experience;
  • Creative experience;
  • Digital experience; and 
  • Burwood memories.

A total of 32 actions along with performance indicators are outlined in the Draft Plan, highlighting Council’s commitment to the community over the next 5 years. Council has developed the Library Strategic Plan 2022 – 2027 based on comprehensive research, community engagement, staff engagement and the examination of innovative trends in public libraries. This work has been undertaken to realize the full potential of the facility and its services by driving a program of innovation, change and improvement over the next 5 years.