Wellbeing @ Burwood Library
Burwood Library is a great place to study and read. The Library has significant resources to information. We believe everyone should have the opportunity to live their best lives. So we have compiled some of the information at our disposal to give you a helping hand.
Helpful links page
About Burwood https://profile.id.com.au/burwood, the population, the people.
Health information
Gale Health and wellness - Search a full range of health-related issues, from current disease and disorder information to alternative medical practices.
Gale OneFile: Health and Medicine- Find up-to-date information on a range of health care topics. Best for students, researchers, and health care professionals.
Find local health resources and centres from the Community Information Directory.
You do not have to make huge changes to your life to start living a healthier and more fulfilling one. Small steps in the right direction is what you need to start doing. Not sure which steps to take? NSW Health's page "Health Eating Active Living" provides a range of small programs for individuals and families.
Confused by food product ratings? Unsure if you really are eating healthily? Well then the Australian Government web site "eatforhealth.gov.au" will give you clarity and lead you in the right direction. This site provides you with dietary guidelines, information on eating well, food essentials and provides a health calculator so you can work out your daily energy, nutrient requirements needed.
Keep Active
Burwood Library and Council has a range of Community programs designed to keep you stimulated and active. These change on a regular basis so make sure you keep an eye out for new activities regularly. If this is you, why not subscribe to our e-newsletter call the Library for details.
Keep fit
Live your most health life by keeping fit. This web site will help you locate a fitness activity that suits you best in location and your choice of activity.
Active & Healthy - provided by NSW Health.
Another great tool provided by NSW Health is the Get Health NSW web site. This site enables you to create a plan which will help motivate and guide you to a more healthier version of yourself.
Consumer help
Choice magazine helps shoppers make informed decisions on purchases by testing goods and services.
Fairtrading helping consumers buy goods, services, help with resolving complaints, credit problems and more.
Getting your own spending in hand is a good thing to do. Our Budget Busters page has plenty of hints and tips to get you onto the right path.
Council can also help you with your rate payments. Please see the Rates and Charges Hardship Assistance Policy for details.