The Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act) and Regulation requires Councils to publish on their websites, and provide copies to the public, of a range of open access information, including a register of government contracts.
Under the GIPA Act, all government information is to be released unless there is an overriding public interest against disclosure. This public interest test is premised on a bias in favour of disclosing government information. One of the factors that Council can take into consideration against disclosure of a document(s) is where there the document(s) affects the business interests of agencies and other persons (including where disclosure would diminish the competitive commercial value of any information or prejudice any person’s legitimate business, commercial, professional or financial interests).
You must abide by the privacy legislation governing the collection, holding, use, correction, disclosure or transfer of personal information obtained through your dealings with the Council.
No one should access, use or remove from Council premises any Council information or personal information, unless they need it for their work with the Council and have authorisation to use or disclose the information.
You must keep confidential any and all information, data or material of a technical or business nature or relating in any way to the operations, organisation, business, products, services, customers and personnel of the Council.